NEW DELHI: About 2000 workers of the Indian youth Congress (I) led by its president Ramesh Chennithala M P on Sunday Held a demonstration outside the prime minister’s residence to protest the refueling of U S planes in India.

Addressing the protestors Chennithala served an ultimatum to the Chandra Shekhar government demanding an immediate ban on refueling facilities being provided to the American planes.

He said the Congress (I) would not continue to support the government if it indulged in such violations of Indias policies.

Any U S war plane bound for the gulf via India is a clear breach of our long standing commitment toward policies of non-alignment. In the Gulf war we have not taken sides and our people only want peace in the region Chennithala said. Waving placards the protestors including about a hundred women shouted slogans hailing the Congress (I) president Rajiv Gandhi.

Chennithala also announced the Youth Congress (I) decision to collect 5000 bottles of blood in a week beginning on February 13 for victims of the gulf war.

Article extracted from this publication >> February 22, 1991