CHANDIGARH: The Panthic Committee led by Dr Sohan Singh has deeply dwelt upon different Aspects of the Indian Prime Minister Chandar Shekhar’s offer for talks with the militants.

Since Mr Chandra Shekhar has demanded a rejoinder to his offer it becomes mandatory for us to explain or argue in detail in the matter, the committee said in even page press note delivered here.

First of all the Panthic Committee wants to clarify that we in principle are not against any talks. The Sikh religion accords high status to human values. The Khalsa is not in favour of unnecessary bloodshed in any matter which could be solved through talks. This should be clear that the humanism of the Khalsa is basically different from facism of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. The rider of the Blue Horse (referring to Guru Gobind Singh) has planted in our blood the great truth that when al prior ties have been exhausted then the use of sword is justified.

The Brahmanism has itself create the opportunities when Khalsa had the honour of bringing human values under the shadow of sword. Today the Khalsa is passing through the critical but beautiful phase when we have to take recourse to the swords to maintain our existence the committee said.

But we have to say this with great regret that history has confronted us with spiritually bankrupt enemy which does not has the conscience of a fearless warrior nor it has any tradition of pursuing peace understanding other side’s point of view

“The committee said it had been forced to take up arms after the Brahmanical forces had done great injustice and atrocities on the Khalsa for decades together If inspite of this Mr Chandra Shekhar or Indian rulers think that Khalsa was left with any option other than taking up this and if that option could be fulfilled by holding any takes, then the Khalsa would not be averse to such talks. ;

But the Panthic Committee would go thoroughly on any offer Of talks and inspect it from every

Point of view. The committee sees the cunningness and trickery in the offer of talks as agains its honesty find seriousness. The committee aid that it would welcome any Sincere offer for talks,

“As nobody would approve the offer of talks of Mr Chandra Shekhar through newspapers so putting a question mark on seriousness of the offer would not be unjustified. It said  we are replying to his offer for talks through the press so that the professional politicians and communal papers could not accuse us of showing irresponsibility for running away from the talks.

By showing willingness to hold talks with the Indian rulers, the Khalsa is setting an example and showing greatness of its character and its human values the committee said

The committee said it was ready for talks if the government sent written agenda for it. Any talks between the government and the committee could be held only at the Akal Takht Sahib or at Geneva or at the UNO headquarters at New York or any mutually acceptable place within the country.

The committee should be accorded a minimum of one month to hold talks so that the committee could consult experts in religion, Political science, history, economy, sociology and diplomatic fields to send its negotiators.

The committee said that the government should provide full security tits underground leaders to come over ground. If the talks fail the government should give 15 days to enable leaders to go underground again.

Our language and culture is similar to that of Pakistan which along with Kashmir should be made observer for the talks, it said. The status of the committee should be considered at par with the Indian Prime Minister the committee said.

The committee said that every Panth member is leader in itself unlike the hierarchical culture prevailing in the Brahminical society. The press is warned in addressing the committee as led by Dr Sohan Singh.

The Prime Minister can include four cabinet ministers in his team to hold talks with the five members Panthic Committee,

The committee would send its representatives according to the status of representatives of the Prime Minister.

The talks should be held in an open and free atmosphere in which foreign and the Indian reporters appointed by the committee should be present. The committee would issue daily press notes to inform the Khalsa Panth of the progress of the talks and the government would provide facilities for communicating these releases the committee said.

The committee said that for creating a conducive atmosphere for the talks, the government should release all Sikh detenues, including Bhai Harjinder Singh Jinda, and Bhai Sukhdev Singh, It also demanded of the government to recall the Army and other Para military forces from Punjab,

The committee said that the government should hand over to the Sikhs the persons responsible for the 1984 genocide on the Sikhs like Jhanhagir had done to Chandu, the conspirator of the martyrdom of the fifth Sikh Guru Arjan Dev. The committee identified the conspirators of the 1984 riots a5 HLKL. Bhagat, Sojan Kumar and Jagdish Tytler.

The Panthic Committee said that it felt that the Prime Minster, Mr Chandra Shekhar, had a balanced and impartial mind and was 2 seasoned, able farsighted and experienced politicians. But it felt that he as a ring of conspirators around him who would act against the aspiration of backward classes and religious minorities

“The committee cautioned the Prime Minister against fling prey to the anti-Sikh lobbies like his predecessors and consider that Points sincerely

Addressing the Prime Minister, the commits said the anti-Sikh lobbies had many facets. I accused the Congress of wearing the task of secularism, the communist like Dange Sujit and An and for their anti-religion acts, politicians Gujral adopting double standards towards the Sikhs and described the BJP, VHP, RSS, Shiv Sena, Hindu Suras a Samiti as enemies of the Khalsa Panth and Amrit Singh as inner enemy of the Panth.

“The committee said the Prime Minster should remain vigilant against the reports of the intelligence agencies who were pro Rajiv and would not allow true information to get through

The committee said that the militant factions and all sincere, impart land justice loving persons should be inched in the discussions

“The committees asked the Prime Minister to beware of communal minded reporters and editors of newspapers and magazines, The committee offered to disclose the names of blacklisted journalists who have misguided the people by their unfounded one sided paralle and unproved analysis about the Khalsa struggle after the tragedy at the Harmandir Sahib. “The committee said that it was awaiting the Prime Minister favourable response.

“The statement was signed by Dr Soban Singh. Bhai Mahal Singh Bhai Satinderpal Singh, Bhai Wadhawa Singh and Bhai Harminder Singh Sultan wind.

Article extracted from this publication >> January 4, 1991