CHANDIGARH: The Panthic Committee (Manochahal) and affiliated militant organisations the Sikh Students Federation (Buttar) and Dash mesh Regiment have issued a stern warning to Simran jit Singh Mann against pursuing any further the “suicidal course of talks any further with the Indian govt.

In a statement Baba Manochahal and others regretted that Mann had flouted their directive issued on the eve of the Jor Mela to the effect that all Akali Dals be wound up and all Akalis retire from politics if they could not run the current fight for Khalistan. The militants said that any activity that jeopardised the movement would not be tolerated; Mann should not have ‘any misunderstanding about himself and his status in Sikh politics. ‘The Panth had honored him far in excess of his sacrifices; even otherwise thousands of Sikhs had ‘made sacrifices which were in no way less than Mann’s. Giving Mann the benefit of doubt, the committee said Mann must not lend ear to some his advisers who discredited themselves by opposing Sant Bhindranwale ‘The Panthic Committee pointed out “it was a tragedy of Sikh polity that it gets soddenly controlled by certain chieftains who declare themselves supreme by impressing unsuspecting people. It ‘ would be naive to hand over the reins to an emotional and politically innocent person merely due his onetime sacrifice or due to his family inheritance, The Sikh nations had to pay dearly for these kind of mistakes in the past its ‘Baba Manochahal also warned the Indian govt against entering to any Longowal type accord ‘with the Sikhs. Such games did not succeed earlier and would not be allowed to succeed in future, ‘although you are trying to push a wedge between using keeping, with your Chanakya politics, you must not forget that naive per sons are a liability both in friendship and in enmity. Mann is not a leader of any movement but a product of the movement and his status is as transient as al bubble, ‘A way from the movement he ‘would disappear in no time. In this situation we would lose nothing but you would feel sorry”.

‘The committee reiterated its stand that the organisations engaged in the movement for Khalistan were ready for hold talks and, these talks could only be held on the basic issue of Sovereignty for an independent Khalistan tasked ‘Shekhar not to play his clever games and said that the dialogue diplomacy was a mere ruse. If he ‘were at all serious about the talks Shekhar should get due authorisation from Parliament.

Article extracted from this publication >> January 4, 1991