CALCUTTA: A human rights Organization of Assam, Manab Adhikar Sangram Samity (MASS), has sought the intervention of the United Nations Haman Rights Commission in view of the Assam government’s total apathy towards violation of human rights by security forces on the pre text of apprehending insurgents, said Asish Gupta, a MASS convener. MASS had earlier sent its reports on cases of abuse by security forces youths killed in fake encounters and in custody, rape and molestation by army jawans and arrests of journalists for writing on these issues, to two international human rights organizations. Both, Amnesty International and Asia Watch, an US based human rights body, have published reports on human rights violation by security forces as well as members of the United Liberation Front of Assam. MASS was formed on November 2,1991, in Assam in the wake of ‘Operation Rhino’ preceded by ‘Operation Bajrang” launched by the Indian Amy to curb insurgency in Assam, The objective of this body is to protest against state sponsored terrorism on the pretext of apprehending insurgents.
Those who were instrumental in forming this organization cut across individual beliefs and a large number of lawyers, academicians, journalists and intellectuals joined MASS.
According to MASS records, till date cither the security forces or the police have killed 41 persons in fake encounters and in custody, and 13 women had been raped by the security forces. However, there are innumerable cases of molestation which were not reported by the victims in view of the subsequent harassment, a MASS activist reported.
The latest MASS report, published on Oct7, alleged that despite public outcry in Assam due to frequent human rights violations the government was least bothered about atrocities being committed by the security forces.
The fourth report contained three cases of youths in their 20’s being killed in cold blood by security forces and the Police. While Narayan Bora, aged 24 years and an ULFA activist, was shot dead from close range by army jawans in Nagoan district, Mohammad Ali, a 21year, was shot dead by soldiers while they sped passed him in a vehicle in the Sibasagar district.
MASS recently organized a convention in Calcutta where speakers from Assam, including two editors, Parag Das of Boodhbar and Ajit Bhuyan of Sadin, who had been arrested under the National Security Act, expressed the need to immediately organize mass movements against state sponsored terrorism and mobilize public opinion throughout the country.
Article extracted from this publication >> October 22, 1993