CHANDIGARH, India: Former Indian cricket star Kapil Dev has shrugged off a kidnap bid by a Kashmiri militant group and said he would not be seeking official security cover. “I am not worried,” the world’s highest wicket taker in test cricket was quoted as saying Toronto by the Press Trust of India on Wednesday, Sept. 18, “They did not need to make a kidnap bid. I would have come had they called me.”
Dev is in the Canadian city where India and Pakistan are contesting the Sahara Cup limited over series. Indian police on Sunday arrested a Kashmiri separatist militant who they said planned to kid nap the former cricketer. Sube Singh, police chief in the northern state of Punjab, told Reuters on Wednesday that Bilal Ahmed, a member of the Al Umar Mujahideen movement, was arrested in Jagraon town, 140 km (85 miles) southwest of the state capital Chandigarh.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 25, 1996