CHANDIGARH: The Chandigarh Court has rejected the bail applications of two of the four policemen allegedly involved in the gang rape of a woman at gunpoint in a police station in 1989, when militancy was at its peak in Punjab. Rejecting the bail application of Head Constable Charanjit and Constable Kashmiri Lal, the Additional Session Judge Bharat Bhooshan Parsson, said the accused could not be released as their judicial custody was sought only after their salaries were attached by the court.
In his recent nine page order, Dr. Parsson pointed out that the other accused, Sub Inspector Radha Kishan SHO of Baluchistan Police Station in Hoshiarpur and Head Constable Hussan, were still evading Court summons. Sub Inspector Radha Krishan is regularly attending his duties under the SGP Jalandhar, the judge said. He expressed his grief saying the Protector of law were not subject law though a prima facie Case has been registered against them. The Judge said the Tape victim, a mother of three daughters, was illegally locked in a room at a police station in February.
Article extracted from this publication >> August 6, 1996