Dear Editor, This is in reference to the letters entitled “Sabat Surat Dastar Sira” by Dr. Chahal and S. Manmohan Singh. I would like to express the following thoughts in this connection:
- Sikhs should concentrate on living according to Sikh philosophy and include all those who want to follow the teachings of the Gurus and the Guru Granth Sahib (this was the original definition of a Sikh). That will uplift us in every way. Controversies on minor issues will lead only to disunity and conflict.
- Guru Gobind Singh gave the symbols to fulfill a specific historic task which was to identify ourselves in a way defiant of the rulers and be ever ready to defend truth, justice, and freedom of religion against a violent intolerant and brutal empire. The incomparable miracle of his life is the fact that singlehanded he took on the greatest empire of the world knowing full well the ultimate sacrifice he might have had to make. 3. Technology mules the world. Today a revolver is more lethal than as word. A bullet will pierce a turban more easily than a steel helmet; a man with a flowing beard is at risk working on a lathe. Some professions like that of a ‘chef’ require a person to be clean shaven in this country. Symbols are important but need to be revised according to the changing environment and/or violations tolerate in mutual respect. 4. Sikh philosophy can be summarized as: Nam Japna which means remembering God and the teachings of the Gum us including pursuit of knowledge to understand His universe; Kirt Kama; Wand Chhakna ; control of the five passions; Manas Ki Jaat Sab Ek Pahchano; and willingness to die for one’s faith. Anyone who can live according to these principles will have a resplendent personality like a glowing light so that people will ask: who is he or she and what is his or her faith? That should be the primary focus of our life.
- It is my guess that 40 to 50 percent of the Sikhs living in the USA and Canada do not live according to Sikh Maryada. To have a ‘holier than thou’ attitude towards them would be wrong.
- Let us try to live according to the words first uttered by Guru Nanak when he started his mission at Sultanpur: ‘there is no Hindu or Muslim’. Let us apply this principle to all kinds of Sikhs and people who profess oath religions. Deeds are infinitely more important than symbols. That is the only way we can claim in humility that Sikhism, is a world religion worthy of being followed by humankind. Gurbaksh Singh Sanghera Hamden, CT.
Article extracted from this publication >> July 31, 1996