BANGALORE: Minister P.V Narasimha. Rao remained non-committal Wednesday on a suggestion that the Janata Dal and the Congress (I) should forge a common front to face the pro-Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party saying that no such proposal had been received from the Dal leadership.
Asked for his reaction to a reported suggestion of the Janata Dal leader, V P Singh, that the Congress (I) J D should reach an electoral adjustment as part of a long term strategy to defeat the BIP, Rao said “I too have read (Singh’s proposal): in the newspapers but we have not got any Suggestion or anything from anywhere.
Asked by reporters if was satisfied with the foreign investments India had been attracting as the result of its liberalized economic policies, the prime minister said that he was pleased with the attitude of investors.
“Follow up measures are being undertaken, Real results are expected to flow a year after but Personally I have: no doubt that the tends in our favor” he said,
During his three hour visit to Bangalore, the prime minister
Jugulated a program — Vishwa.
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