Having done his M.A. from Punjab University and MBA from the University of California, Sukhbir Singh Badal’s career alternatives were unlimited. But being the son of veteran Akali leader Parkash Singh Badal perhaps it was preordained the 33yearold Jat Sikh would pursue politics. Yet he is a multifaceted man, finding the time to pursue his passion for sculpture in bronze and fiberglass, while rallying to defeat Kanwaljit Kaur, daughter of Punjab Chief Minister Harcharan Singh Brar.
A freshman in Parliament, he Suggests there should be an orientation course in parliamentary affairs and related rules for new entrants like him. His focus for the future though is clear: he intends to organize—for the next session—a farmers’ lobby in Parliament, collecting MPs with agricultural roots irrespective of their party. “If Industrialists can create their lobby in the House, why can’t the farmers?”
Article extracted from this publication >> July 24, 1996