SAN FRANCISCO, CA: Faye Lothridge asylum director for John W.Cummings Acting Assistant Commissioner for Refugees, Asylum and Parole on Oct.21, 1993 granted asylum to Mohammed Mehmood a native of Pakistan, and B.Singh from Punjab. Mohammad Mehmood came from Lahore and arrived in New York on Sept.22, 1992 with a tourist visa accompanied by his wife, He submitted his request for asylum on Oct.20, 1992. He claimed to be an Ahmadi, believes in Islam and teachings of Prophet Mohammad except that his faith has a living Leader which the traditional Muslim do not believe. He alleged that several years ago, his ancestral home was burnt by the Sunni Muslim who calls Ahmadis as “Kefir.” He said he could not get a job, started a small business which failed because of lack of capital and burglaries by local Muslims. In July 1991 he was arrested and charged that he wrote some verses. From Koran on walls which the police consider to be in violation of Islamic penal code and offending fundamentalists. He told the asylum officer that he was arrested, brutalized, kicked, beaten, his wife harassed and did an eight month incarceration.

He said he is not willing to return to Pakistan unless “I am ready to die.” Local police and courts gave him and his family very hard time, asked (o disappear, renounce our faith and be converted to orthodox Muslim faith.

Asylum Officer determined that Mahmood has established a well-founded fear of persecution upon return to his homeland. Therefore, in accordance with Section 208(a) of the Immigration & Nationality Act, his request for asylum is granted as of September 28, 93. He will be eligible to apply for green card any time after September 29, 1994.


Article extracted from this publication >>  November 19, 1993