BRAMPTON: The Liberal Party is alive and well.
In one of the most successful events in recent years, Gurbax Malhi and the BramaleaGoreMalton Liberal Association raised over $30,000 for the upcoming federal election.
Over 350 people, including a dozen prominent party dignitaries attended the April 3 fundraiser called Community Nite “93. Defeat Conservatives: The key note speaker, federal finance critic Herb Gray, told the audience “We need Gurbax Malhi with us in Parliament not only to represent you, but to ensure the defeat of the Conservatives who have done so much to destroy this country.
Gurbax Malhi spoke of his concem for Canada’s 1.6 million unemployed, the number of bankruptcies and the state of Canada’s health care system.
“Unemployment must go down, bankruptcies must end and Medicare must be improved,” he said to applause from the audience.
Malhi was joined by local MPP”s Carman McClelland and Steve Offer, MP’s Joe Volpe and John Nunziata, Senator Anne Cools, Peel school trustee Cliff Gyles and candidates Colleen Beaumier (Brampton) and Carolyn Parrish (Mississauga West).
“I was very pleased with not only the turnout, but the whole evening,” Malhi said, “We had a chance to meet supporters, hear some excellent speakers and talk about the future of our country,” he said afterwards.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 17, 1993