Your immediate attention is drawn to the dire straits of the financial situation at the Intl. Sikh Sectt. Bldg. at Washington, D.C. We all know how this building was purchased by certain committed Gursikhs for voicing our struggle regarding the State of Affairs in our homeland. We needed a strong Sikh lobby and an informed media to achieve Justice, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech and Freedom to live in peace in the Sikh homeland.

The purchase of this building was the single biggest effort initiated by a few dedicated Sikhs, but sadly ‘enough we have never had a full-fledged staff who could on a daily basis deal with the media. A few conferences which we have had at this office could not bring about desired results. Sardar Lachman Singh Aujula at the ripe age of 79 feels the frustration and pain due to non-responsiveness of the community at large.

Khalsa Ji, please rise to the occasion to raise funds to keep this office open. We need funds to deal with the Mortgage and other daily expenditures. We as Members have to reach out to every Sikh at the grass roots level to make them aware of the situation. If we fail we could lose the only Sikh Sectt. of its own. Please act now to provide funds by setting an example.

Our aim is to raise at least $100,000.00 (One Hundred Thousand Dollars) which would maintain proper staff and pay all the bills as these bills become due.

 All checks he made in the name of W.S.O. USA.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 24, 1993