NEW DELHE: Indian government last week renewed efforts to persuade Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh to agree to the division of Chandigarh between Punjab and Haryana. Prime Minister Rao does not consider the Punjab problem beyond killing of Sikh militants. Secondly, India regards Beant as representative of Punjab notwithstanding the fact that the ruling party in Punjab polled hardly 10% of votes. That is why the Indian Minister of state for home Rajesh Pilot called a meeting of Beant Singh and BhaJan Lal last week in an effort to persuade the Punjab Chief Minister to agree to the division of Chandigarh. India also wants Beant to resume construction of S.Y.L. canal. In fact, the Haryana chief minister is not much bothered about Chandigarh or a share in the town. Instead, his concern is for the Punjab water being taken away through the S.Y.L. canal. But Chandigarh issue is being used by BhaJan Lal as a pressure lever for the S.Y.L. canal, The Indian government’s altitude is in favor of Haryana and against Punjab. Although Beant left the meeting called by Pilot, Delhi is likely to again call the two chief ministers soon to thrash out the issue, Home Minister Chavan is now expected to meet the two chief ministers, If these talks do not succeed, prime minister Rao himself will take up the issue and hold discussions with Beant Singh and Bhajal Lal as soon as he is free from the state assembly elections in four states. These elections are likely to be completed in November.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 24, 1993