Chicago: Sep 5. Singh Sahib, Bhai Manjit Singh, Jathedar Akal Thakat, visiting the United States refused audience to Dr. Paushara Singh the Sikh scholar who had been summoned to the Akal Thakat.

The Jathedar who was in the City to attend the World’s ReliBion for five days was approached by a number of eminent Sikh as to meet Dr. Pashuara Singh to seule the dispule arising from his thesis on the“Adi Granth”. However the Singh Sahib expressed his inability to do so saying, “ Akal Takhat is in Amritsar, let Dr. Pashaura Singh present himself before itand the Panj Pyaara will decide whether he is at fault”.

Dr. Pashaura Singh is under threat of being declared a Tankhaiya” if he fails to answer for his conduct. He says he is unable to appear before the Akal Thakat due to immigration problems.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 10, 1993