Each week choosing which let ters to the editor to print from the many we receive is a tremendous responsibility, We wish to publish letters representing each point of view we receive. If you want your letter printed, there are a few things you. can do ‘to increase your chances, First, keep it short, The more concise the better, (We reserve the right to condense any material for publix cation.) Re sure to sign your let terand include your address and phone number. Unfortunately we cannot acknowledge unpublished letters or notify you if your latter will be published.

Send to: Letters to the Editor, World Sith News, 7720 Lorraine Ave, #107, Stockton, CA 95210.

If your leiter pertains to a Spee cificarticle or column other than material published as news or editorial, direct the letter fo Specific section.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 10, 1993