JAMMU(PTI): A fresh strategy has been formulated to combat militancy in hilly and farflung areas of Jammu and Kashmir, director general of police Bedi said ‘on Sept s.

He said the strategy involves sending more security forces to hilly areas where militants have their stations and hideouts.

“We have located all their pockets of concentration in upper reaches and hilly areas, especially in Pir Panjal ranges Doda and areas in northwestem Kashmir,” he said. Pressure would be mounted to either liquidate the militants or force them to surrender to authorities, while at the same time ensuring common people wore not alienated. “We do not want that innocent people suffer in any way and want to eliminate fear of the gun as early as possible so that complete normalcy is brought in Kashmir valley,” he said.

Bedi said casualties were bound to occur in combat, adding that security forces had been directed to Exercise utmost restraint and Not to retaliate in crowded places. He said last year, 162 chiefs of different militant outfits were killed. Security forces and police also suffered 600 casualties. Besides 2001 others were injured during the last three years.

He said 146 security personnel and other police officials have been taken to lask for various violations.

About the Daribal case, where the three persons of a family were killed by Border Security Force (BSF) firing leading to strong protests in the valley last month, Bedi Said three personnel were charge sheeted after the inquiry was completed.

Bedi said foreign mercenaries in Kashmir valley and parts of Jammu would meet the same fate as other militants, He said their numbers had been exaggerated by the media.

Citing the killing of 16 persons of a particular community in Kishtwar last month, the DGP said Pakistan’s Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) was trying to communalize the situation in Jammu region after having failed in its designs to create disturbances through subversion.

He said the law and order situation in the region was under control.

Earlier, speaking at an attestalioncumpassing parade at Shert Kashmir police training, Udham pur, the police chief said the only answer to contain militancy in Kashmir was a joint fight by the police and people against the militants.

He said people were now coming forward to give vital information about the militants.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 10, 1993