NAGPUR: Surveying the national scene on Vijayadashami day, R.S.S. chief, Bala Saheb Deoras, in his annual speech recently came down heavily on the Central government’s policies and warned that it could test the endurance limit of Hindus to the breaking Point at its own peril.

Blaming the political leaders for what he called pawning the country’s economic independence with the developed west instead of depending on the inner strength of the country and its people, Deoras said he was frightened at the bleak prospects of the nation. Analyzing the causes, the Sangh supreme felt the utter selfishness of our politicians and their proverbial short-seight, “deliberate weakening” of Hindu nationalism and the “misplaced sympathy some of them have shown towards our sworn enemies,” had led the country to the present unenviable situation.

Infirm and ill, Deoras had to be helped by several workers to the high podium at the sprawling Kastur chand Park. In his brief speech, he regretted the difficulty in delivering the speech by himself but assigned reading it to Prof. M.G. Vaidya, a Sangh leader, The noted journalist, Arun Shourie, was present on the occasion,

Emphasizing the need for self-reliance and a sense of national pride, the RSS chief urged the people to participate in the Sangh program of reviving the Swadeshi spirit. “If our eighth five-year Plan is to be the same as that of earlier ones, we will be engulfed in economic slavery,” he observed. Castigating the current political leaders, Deoras said the people must prevent the so-called leaders “from squandering our money for personal extravaganza in the face of crores of people living in abject poverty.”

However, he praised the Central government for not signing the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and fighting the accessionists in Punjab and Kashmir but expressed anger and anguish at the government’s dithering over the serious problem of infiltration of people from neighboring countries. “Some of our people seem to be moved by compassion as to what might befall these people. The question before us in what will happen to our country and to our millions of poor? If the government of Bangladesh cannot feed its people, it has no right to exist and the government of India should demand adequate territory to rehabilitate the refugees if the government in our neighborhood cannot take care of its people,” he said.

The RSS chief declared that henceforth there should never be two crematoria in one village. Nor should there be two temples for various castes. Hindu society is one and there was no place for casteism,

Deoras studiously avoided any reference to the BJP and its four state governments. He, however, said the Ayodhya temple was not just another temple but one of national faith.

Nearly, 3,000 uniformed Sangh workers under the leadership of the city RSS organizer, Vinayak Phatak, performed drill and a march before a large gathering,

Article extracted from this publication >> October 16, 1992