WASHINGTON, D.C.: A world human rights conference will be held in Vienna Austria, in June 1993 under the auspices of the U.N.O, with Amnesty International as a strong driving force. In a preliminary session held on Oct.1,1992 in Washington, D.C. at Amnesty International Headquarters, an agenda of the conference was thoroughly discussed and formulated, Diversified groups from the U.N.O., Development of International Law, Freedom for Tibet, Democracy in China, and the International Human Rights Organization (previously P.H.R.O.) participated in that session to discuss issues of concern and how these can be, incorporated in the agenda at the World Conference. As a member of the Executive Board of I.H.R.O., North America Chapter, I had the privilege of representing IH.R.O. And the Sikh community. The conference will focus on restructuring the U.N.O. since it is desperately felt that the Security Council lacks adequate representation, and that South groups (better known as victim groups) have no voice there, A balance of power is not maintained and the Security Council leans heavily toward the Western Super powers. It was proposed that a special envoy be appointed at the U.N. who would be solely responsible for raising his/her voice for those who are suppressed in their countries, Another pragmatic ad practical suggestion came from Australia: it suggested that the participating countries to the conference should come prepared with their plans and the courses of action they will initiate in their countries to comply with the International Human Rights Laws as espoused in the Declaration of Human Rights U.N, charter, Preparatory conferences to make this conference a big success will be held in Bangkok and Costa Rica. Jack Randler, Director of Amnesty International, in no uncertain terms declared that the whole purpose of the world conference would be defeated if actual discussions on the Human Rights violation against the Sikhs in India and those of Palestinians do not take place. Randler made this known, loud and clear  to the world community, Amnesty International is very firm in its position and in its latest report it lashed India for gross human rights violations in almost every state.I.H.R.0.’s North America Chapter in Washington, D.C. is working closely with Amnesty International to get a broader base and to win wider recognition.( Amrit Kaur)

Article extracted from this publication >> October 16, 1992