The Sikh Students Assoclation at UC Berkeley is holding a film and lecture presentation entitled “Who Are the Sikhs?” on September 29,1992 at 155 Dwinelle Hall, UC Berkeley. The program begins at 6:30 p.m. and will include two guest speakers; Dr, Amarjit Singh, spokesperson for the Panthic Committee, and Gurbax Kaur Kahlon, former professor of Punjab University al Chandigarh, India. Dr. Amarjit Singh will be speaking on “Socio-Political Aspects of Sikhism,” while Gurbax Kaur Kahlon’s topic is “Sikhism Origins and Beliefs.”
Over recent months, the Sikh Students Association at UC Berkeley has noticed a trend of misinformation about the Sikhs in the national and local news media. Characterized by many as a Hindu sect, violence-prone, cultish, and more, SSA would like to clarify who the Sikhs are through this program. Contrary to the image of Sikhs as violent and Hindu-based, Sikhs belong to their own religion based on the teachings of 10 Gurus who espoused a belief in one God and the equality of humankind. Because of the current war raging for Sikh independence in our homeland of Punjab, the Indian government-censored media puts out much false information to the Western world characterizing Sikhs as terrorists and violent. These policies of India have been documented in Amnesty International and other human rights groups’ reports. The Sikh Students Association hopes to raise awareness of these issues and the nature of the Sikh community through the lecture and film presentation, “Who Are the Sikhs?”
We would like to extend an invitation to the public and local media (TV, radio and newspapers) to attend this educational event and glimpse a diverse ethnic and religious community which numbers over 60,000 persons in the San Francisco Bay Area. Time will be allotted for interview with members of the Sikh Students Association and guest speakers.
Article extracted from this publication >> October 2, 1992