
I was very pleased to see the article on Women in Sikhism by Dr. Upinder Kaur until saw her conclusion. Although I heartily agree with her statement that Sikhism allows for “temperate gratification of bodily pleasures,” we can in no way deduce that Guru Nanak would sanction birth control Sikhs do not tamper with Gods order and will, therefore we do not cut or shave our hair. We do not indulge in any practice which thwarts The Will of God. The Lord gave us the sexual function for the purpose of producing children. If one has children and does not desire more children, the solution is simple one can refrain from sex. That action is not celibacy per s¢, nor a sign of devaluation of married life. First and foremost a Sikh is to obey The Will of God. There are people who eat too much food just to satisfy the lust to eat, and then they vomit the food not to gain weight. In this way they try 10 escape Gods will. God willed that we real, but only in moderation. God walled that married couples could have sex but for the procreation of children. Satnom Kaur Mt. Horeb, WI

Article extracted from this publication >> September 4, 1992