WASHINGTON: Dr.Rajwant Singh, President of International Human Rights Organization North America (formerly Punjab Human Rights Organization) has expressed his thanks to Congressman Dan Burton and other congressmen who have helped in passage of the bill to terminate financial aid to India,

IHRO opines it is high time that U.S. Govt, pays close attention to India’s indulgence in gross human rights violations of minorities particularly that of Sikhs and Kashmiris,

U.S. Congress has appropriately ripped off mocked democratic set of India and has sent a clear cut message that India can no longer seek financial aid until it abides by the international standards of human dignity.

In last five years, PHRO has been documenting cases of human rights violations of Sikhs and Kashmiris and has produced intensive investigative reports, These reports have been acclaimed and verified by international forums including Amnesty International and U.N, Human Rights Commission, headquarters in Ludhiana, Punjab. IHRO-NA will continue to educate the western lawmakers and masses about the” tragic plight of minorities in India.

Above statement was released to the press. on the eve of passage of the bill.

Article extracted from this publication >> June 10, 1994