Dear Sir,
I am afraid your esteemed newspaper has been duped and has become a victim of a fascist Brahmin Indian dis-information campaign when you published a front page story (March 271992 issue) claiming that the U.S. State Department has closed down the weekly half hour Sikh religious/ social/cultural program broadcast from WWCR Nashville Tennessee.
Enquiries made to the US State Department reveal that no such “diktat” has been made to the management of WWCR Radio as any such instruction verbal or written would be illegal under the law as the great U.S constitution (and bill of rights) guarantees freedom of religion as well as speech.
It is obvious that oppressed minorities like the Sikhs and Kashmiris fighting for our inherent right of Self-determination against a cow urine drinking {fascist neo-Nazi Brahmin ruling lite in India be on our guard against illegal Indian intelligence activity in this great and free land of the United States. We should therefore pool our resources an muster our friends like Congressmen Wally Herger and Dan Burton to fight constitutional and expose the illegal activity of Indian diplomatic missions in the United States. I believe this WWCR story is a God-send to educate our sangat about the dangers that lurk even and democratic land. United States. Some are poet wrote a poem for situation.
“Rise like lions after Slumber. In unvanquished number. Shake the chains to earth like dew.
Which in sleep have fallen on you.
Ye are many
They are few.”
A Sheikh
Kashmir Association of America
Article extracted from this publication >> April 3, 1992