VANCOUVER: An impressive and purposeful function was held at Canadian Memorial Church Burcard st. Vancouver on Sunday March 8 to celebrate the Commonwealth Day. Really it was an inspiring event of different faiths coming together in an act of harmonious prayer seeking peace and prosperity for the whole human race.
‘Speakers from the major world religions expressed their views on the theme of “can faith transcend boundaries” and sufficiently proved that interfaith harmony amongst the major faiths is indeed possible in the greater world community Dr. Ken Worther spoon ‘welcomed the guests and the program started with the singing of the National Anthem of Canada, In her presentation of the Hindu faith Rukmini Prameya, aid “the pluralistic world arises out of the infinite ocean like bubbles. the bubble again merges with the ‘can which actually it has never Where often is the question of any boundaries with the dawn of realization that he Creator and the created are one and the same,” In his presentation of the Sikh religion, Principal Gian Singh Kou, a priest and missionary from Khalsa Diwan Society Ross St. Vancouver, said that a Sikh believes in love equality fatherhood of God, brotherhood of man and service to mankind and he wan spends all boundaries when he is to serve the people. Citing an example of gurdwara (Sikh temple), Gian Singh said, “Any person belonging to any religious can come to the gurdwara and take fee food sitting at par with others without disclosing his identity. Gian Singh funher referred to the teachings of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, who has said, “The Temple and the mosque are the same, Treat the whole human race as one. It is only through love that you can get God.” Referring to Guru Teg Bahadur, who sacrificed his to save the Hindu religion, Gian Sigh went on to prove that a Sikh is a universal man, the Sikh scripture, ‘a universal scripture and the Sikh prayer is a universal prayer as it seeks the wellbeing of the whole universe even when made in visually. Other speakers to represent them faiths more Aziz Khaki from Islam Suzanne Red fern Spencer from Unitarian faith Soonoo Engineers from Bahia faith and Anne Walton from Christianity. The Commonwealth message 1992 from her Majesty the queen Elizabeth, Head of the Commonwealth, was also read out to the lite audience.
Principal Gian Singh Kothi
Article extracted from this publication >> March 27, 1992