By: Colleen Beaumier
Sharing some of my thoughts with you. Being a politician is very different from being a community activist. As a politician, one must be perceived to, represent a populist view and yet remain true to the values of one’s supporters. That is never easy. Since the majority « of WSN’s readers are U.S. citizens, J would like to begin this article by firmly stating lam not anti USA 1am pro Canada and pro humanity.
Every once in a while, we Canadians feel a little insecure about who we are and there is a fervor to define our identity. But how can we know who we are if we silently accept U.S. policy regarding trade and international affairs.
T was 4 little disappointed by last week’s paper because of the lack of content regarding President Clinton*s attack on Baghdad. Most people I talk to, feel that U.S, is gearing up for another war in the Middle East. I can understand why our newspapers that is dependent upon financing from companies which arc international. They do not want to risk their financial wellbeing. But the WSN is independent. Amongst other issues, the purpose of this paper is fighting violations of Human Rights. I realize that your primary concern is to create awareness amongst your readers about the deplorable State in India, the ultimate goal being an independent state. Lalso realize that you are a political body fighting for your own cause. But none of us live in a vacuum. We not only share our community, we share the world, and must accept its responsibility for its wellbeing. Atrocities committed against any people must be dealt with, No matter who authors them, I personally believe that the attack on Iraq was a blatant act of unjustified violence, and oar silence is the next best thing to approval. Now back to Canada, in order for Canadians new as well as established, to have an identity we must first know where we stand. Jean Chretien, in the Liberal Party recognizes this and promise Canadians that we will have made in Canada policies. The policies which will help Canadians to create employment for Canadians. International trade policies which will not neglect the environment, social values and the educational standards of our country, plus an independent voice in the United Nations, this is a must to prevent Canada from becoming a third world nation. Our middle class is Suffering and let us not forget that the middle class is our soul. Trade regulations must not compromise our social structure of our country. I.e. health care, pensions for seniors, injured workers and the handicapped. Job creation must become the number one priority to reduce the deficit, no more taxes or cuts to ¢essential services. Peacekeeping and education must become the number one function of our armed forces; Canada must stand strong and have a clear voice in world affairs. We must build bridges not blow them up, since most of the North Americans who eam big money through wars, we must remind them that they must tum their swords into plough shares. There is bin money to be made by selling tractors and equipment as well as army tanks, maybe more.
Perhaps this recent reminder of U.S. dominance, not only in Canada but in the world will wake us up. We must remind them that theirs is not the only way. It is really sad for Canadians on two counts, firstly Canadians to some degree thought that Clinton would be a breath of fresh air for Canada as well as the world, we counted on that. It seems that the old adage, the more things change, the more they remain the same, is still true today. Poor Bill Clinton and poor America/ “another one bites the dust.” Secondly, it is such ashame that because of Brian Mulroney and his “border boys” have been unable to forge a Canadian path. Wake up Canada, we need made in Canada by Canadians agenda, in order {0 save all that is dear to us.
Article extracted from this publication >> July 16, 1993