CHIGACO: Darshan Singh Dhaliwal an industrialist from Milwaukee Wisconsin has given shopping mall worth$5.2 million to Iowa Western Community College.

The donation will enable WCC to set up an additional college to be named Dhaliwal College. College president Carl Heinrich said the College Board was delighted with the gift as there was a critical need for the college to expand the area where tuition takes place.

Dhaliwal who was born in India said that the college officials had approached him to purchase the mall. He then decided the donation would be the best way to express his gratitude to his adopted country for the chances it had given him.

Dhaliwal moved to the U.S. after graduating from Rapduman Government College in Nabha Punjab He studied engineering but then became a businessman His Company Dhaliwal Enter Praises owns over 200 gas stations in and around Milwaukee and Chicago. Another company of the Dhaliwal Group Bulk Petroleum owns a refinery in Louisiana while the Group also runs motes in Wisconsin.

Dhaliwal philanthropy has also extended to India. Dhaliwal Enterprise’s which is a family-run concern has offered a number of scholarships to high school students in Nabha and annual awards to Punjabi writers; it has also organized eye camps and sponsored sports tournaments.

Lakhwant Singh Komal former president of Sikh Religious society in Palatine near Chicago and an associate of the Dhaliwal group said the Dhaliwals had given land to the Sikh Gurdwara in Palatine.

Article extracted from this publication >> January 24, 1992