EDMONTON: The Sikh struggle for restoration of their fundamental human rights, liberties and freedoms has been going on for many decades. The Indian Armored military assault on Sikhs’ holiest shrines in ‘1984 removed the thin vaneer of political maneuverings and revealed India’s real intent of destroying the Sikhs’ self-esteem, heritage and spiritual values. .

Although India continues to mount military, administrative, political and economic pressures against the Sikhs, the winds of change sweeping the world, augur well for the Sikhs engaged in a struggle for freedom and sovereignty.

We believe, if the Soviet totalitarian regimes could not Keep | the masses under political and economic subjugation, for too long, the Sikhs have every reason to hope and believe that India’s strangulation of its minorities cannot last forever. In fact we believe that freedom for India’s religious and cultural minorities, is only a small step away.

World Sikh Org (Edmonton Chapter) held its annual function on Jan.16, 1992.

This year’ S gathering was a held at ‘Woodvale Community Center’. In addition to local officials and members of the community, there were a large number of invited guests from out of the province. Punjabi food was served at this Banquet.

Article extracted from this publication >>  January 22, 1993