“SGPC & Research on the Adi Granth” by LJ. Singh
In view of SGPC’s declaration that “Sri Guru Granth Sahib could not be a subject matter for research,” Dr.Singh has focused attention of Sikh Community on two major issues i.e,:
1,”One could argue that the suppression of a book by the SGPC or the church is not much different from the censorship imposed by a government,
- Secondly, “How should a religion respond to irresponsible research?”
The above two views expressed by Dr.Singh have alarmed the Sikh Community all over the world, hence the question of debate arises to hear the diversity of views held by Sikhs on these sensitive issues.
Research is definitely needed to regulate “Truths” of history, religion, scriptures, poetry, culture and traditions. Research investigates and fills up the gaps in mysticism and builds a sound foundation of basic understanding and belief. Scientific research on the Sikh Scriptures will expand knowledge and will give values based on historical, traditional and religious facts,
In the absence of well-equipped and authentic references on Sikh Literature, the universities and research institutions that have taken up projects on Sikhism are liable to formulate views on the basis of inadequate information, thus distorting facts. I feel that the SGPC’s action is not censorship but corrective. The Sikh Community should respond by resolving to build a global library with authoritative Sikh Literature for reference purposes.
Dr. Singh has also raised issues like, “If the SGPC is to be our parliament, a wide ranging debate is necessary. We also need to look at some broader questions of what constitutes academic freedom and what are the legitimate limits on the right to dissent.”
I suggest two methods to control distortion of Gurbani/Research on Sikhism leading to higher degrees in the universities: a establishing of an Independent World Council of Consultants on Sikhism. b. Acceptance of the SGPC as the Administrative Parliament supported by powerful pool of Consultants and Authorities on Sikhism.
The establishment of such a World Council of Consultants on Sikhism is a mountainous task which would require lot of coordination, dedication and financing. Such a council should also be made acceptable to the Sikh Community, as well as the SGPC, which should be the administrative and an additional recognizing body. Such a collaboration would prevent distortion and criticism.
The question arises what is the power of SGPC, on the autonomous research institutes and universities to implement this program?
The indirect power of the SGPC looks invisible, though it is a powerful organization of the Sikh Community to disseminate information, The SGPC may apply the in direct method, such as providing a panel of approved consultants on Sikhism to the research institutes and universities. This panel of recognized scholars could act as the external examiners for re viewing the research thesis.
In conclusion, to propose that though research on Sikhism is important to expand and consolidate our basic knowledge on the subject, to facilitate adequate research, the Sikh Community must undertake to do two things. Firstly to establish a well-equipped reference library dealing with Sikh Literature and secondly, empower the SGPC with sufficient authority and scholars/consultants on Sikhism to help monitor such research and thus prevent any gross misrepresentation or distortion of the facts.
Santokh Singh Saluja Skokie, IL
Article extracted from this publication >> April 2, 1993