Sir: On the rising tide of Hindu militancy. Since the country’s independence in august 1947, a number of Hindu militant organization have come up with the avowed aim of protecting the Hindus a few of these are:.
(a) Rashtra Suraksha Samiti; (b) All India Hindu Security Force; (c) Chandigarh Sangarsh Samiti; (d) Hindu Suraksha Sami ti(e) Hindu Manch; (f) Vishaw Hindu Parishad; (g) Hindu Shiv Sena; (h) Rashtra Hindu Samiti; (i) Hindu Rastriya Sangathan; (j) Panjab Hindu Sangathan; (k) Hindu. Tirath Sthan Raksha Sa mit; (l) Shiy, Shakti Sena.
The Hindus (if the Scheduled Castes and Tribes are also included) form nearly 80 per cent of the country’s population, and are thus, through the democratic process, rulers of the country. All the forces, armed forces, paramilitary forces, police, etc., are at their beck and call. How can Muslims, Christians, Sikhs who all together form only 20 per cent of the country’s population be a threat to the 80 per cent of the country’s population? Therefore, one wonders where the danger to the majority community lies.
It is also a matter of surprise that they feel insecure under their own rule. Does it mean that they felt secure under the Mughals, Afghans, the British and the Sikhs when they were the rulers? That is why, ‘one can conclude, they never thought of raising such organizations then. No
“Billas” and “Tangris” then raised their heads, although, as per their statement, the Mughals and Afghans had resorted to forcible con version of Hindus to Islam. Where were these people and such organizations when Ghouri, Ghaznavi, Babar and others invaded India? In the 13th century, Bakhtiar Khilji captured the Hindu Kingdom of Bengal “with the help of seventeen horsemen only”.
(Quarterly Review of Historical Studies, XXV, No 2, 198586, p. 30.)$FI. No such organization came into existence at the time raiders invaded jammu and Kashmir in 1947 and committed all sorts of sins. Later, in 1962, when the Chinese crossed over the Hi malayas and usurped so much of our territory, no such organization went up to fight in the defense of the country borders. Why don’t they even now come forward and throw out the Chinese? What has happened to the slogans these organizations often shout jo ham se takraega, choor choor ho jaega?,
Actually, there is no danger to the country’s integrity, etc., from the minorities who all together form only 20 per cent of the population of the country. The danger really lies, if there is any, in the wrong policies of the Bharat Sarkar.
These organizations are disturbers of peace. The activities of such militant organizations are bound to prove dangerous to the country if not checked by the government in time. But, unfortunately, these organizations seem to have the blessings of the Sarkar. In that case, God help the country.
Lt Col Amolak Singh Chandigarh
Article extracted from this publication >> November 24, 1989