Bangalore: The Hindu Nazi mind is running riot. Earlier it claimed the famed Taj Mahal, one of the wonders of the world, as a Hindu temple, Then came the claim on Delhi’s historic Red Fort. Now it says Mecca’s Holy Kaaba is a Brahma temple. This is the limit. But the Hindu believes what he wants to believe. Here is a proof in a “letter to editor” in Indian Post (Oct.9) by the topmost Nazi “historian”, P/N: Oak, a Pune Brah min: The world needs to be informed that every Muslim is the descendent of a captured Hindu
Islam Besides, Islam is the Sansk rit word isalayam meaning the “Temple of God”, it stems from the Kaaba which housed the idols of 360 Vedic deities. The Islamic, or rather pre Islamic, tradition that the Kaaba was founded by Ibrahim is absolutely correct if it is realized that Ibrahim is the Muslim corruption of the Jewish name Abraham which in tum is a mispronunciation of the Vedic Brah ma. Consequently, the so called Muslims ought to realize that the Kaaba is a Vedic temple founded by Brahma at the dawn of civilization millions of years Prior to Islam”, says Oak. Whole of India has no temple for Brahma, the first of the three Trinity of brahminical gods except one somewhere in Rajasthan. This is because the Brahmins cursed the very creator of the brahminical order, Brahma, because he committed the gravest sin of marrying his own daughter. When India itself has frowned on Brahma and discarded him, how can there be any temple outside India? The “Hindu mind” knows No logic, no reasoning. A Hindu believes what he wants to believe. He wants to believe that Kaaba was a Brahma temple, None can question him because fie is the ruler and the ruler does no wrong.
Article extracted from this publication >> November 17, 1989