The purpose of this article is not to propagate Sikh fundamentalism or a total retrogression into Pun Jabi culture but rather to try to reverse the general trend of abandoning these important ideals of our forefathers. This trend is evident by the fact that no aggressive and effective social, economic, or political organization exists to pre sent the views, issues, and aspirations of the general Sikh population let alone the Sikh youth in North America.
Moreover, the retrogression into Western culture is a result of trying to gain respect from the general American population. But this respect will only come as a result of forming a tightly knit, well organized community willing to move ahead within the Western world without totally sacrificing its past traditions and religion. As W.E.B. DuBois, the leading black intellect of the early 1900’s and the first A fro American society.” Today, the Sikh community of North America needs to engage in this type of introspection if it wishes to survive in its future generations of Sikh youth.
Article extracted from this publication >> November 17, 1989