Dear Editor: About thirty years ago Richard Nixon, as Vice President of the US.A. Met Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India. Nix-on, while talking about Nehru’s objections to the proposed aid to Pakistan, made the following remarks in his memoirs about Nehru’s attitude, “I was convinced that his objections owed much to his personal for influence ‘and control over South Asia, Middle East and Africa” (reference Nixon’s Memoirs page 132), Nehru died after a few years but the thirst for influence and control lived on at 1Safdarjing Road in Delhi, the official residence of Indian Prime Minister. After Ne~ Hu, Mrs., Indira Gandhi constant Ty showed the symptoms for influence and control over the region: ‘And now Rajiv Gandhi, despite India’s own problems, is constantly interfering in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka.
In modern history, we see two such incidents, first one was when ‘America sent its troops to Vietnam and the second one was when the Soviet troops entered the Afghanistan, [am afraid that none of the two experiments is pleasant enough to repeat. I think, Mr. Rajiv Gandbi has gota lot of work to do at home. He should do something about the terrible poverty prevailing in Bihar and Orissa, Uprisings among Sikhs and Gorkhas deserve his attention more than a civil war going on in foreign country. India like Pakistan is to0 poor a country to afford such adventures.
My advice to the International community is that “Don’t take this situation lightly. This time, it is Sri Lanka, next time it might be someone else”.
Dr. Mirza Sultan Ahmad
Rabwah, Distr. Jhang, Pakistan
Dear Editor: I am a21 year old resident of Charlesville. I live about 20 minutes walk from where the refugees landed,
My mother, Mrs. Jianis Hines, was the Canadian to see these refugees in our very little community of about 124 people (we were outnumbered by the refugees).
I am not sure what kind of reports you people have heard about these refugees when they landed in Charlesville, but around heard there has been alot of mixed up reports printed and broadcasted about these refugees,
I also feel it was due to some of these reports that people got a bad impression about these refugees. Reports such as hollering and stampeding on people’s lawns and wearing elaborate clothing and jewelry.
When my mother was awakened about 3:00 a.m. by the barking of her dog, these people were not causing a disturbance of any kind, perhaps if my mother’s dog had
not barked, they would have passed right through Charlesville without anyone being aware of them
These people were very polite, ‘well mannered and well organized.
I was also wondering if you have any literature that you could sent me on the Sikhs’ lifestyles and traditions and on the Sikh religion. Some of the other people in the community are also very curious about the Sikhs. We find it very hard to depend on these news reporters to get the correct information on the Sikhs.
‘Another thing that has me and) others very curious is the turbans these refugees were wearing. Is there certain color and style that is worn on the head or can they be Sikhs or are they basically all the same. Another question is that are these turbans a type of headwear that only stays assembled when ‘weared on the head or can they be taken off and placed somewhere until ready to be worn again. Some often turbans worn by the refugees ‘were very pretty and colorful and others more or less looked like faded rags from maybe clothing they had worn, We would also like to know what their living conditions were like in India, I know it must have been pretty bad for them to flee.
Another question if these people’s wives and children are still in India, is there a chance they will be held there and maybe even killed?
I feel they should be allowed to be united with their families in Canada. These refugees seemed to be very nice people. So, if you could send sand me and the community: ‘of Charlesville this information we would greatly appreciate it.
T hope these people will be accepted by other people as well as they were by the people of Charlesville and hope that they get a chance to enjoy and appreciate Canada as much as we do! Good Luck Refugees, I think you have made it.
Heather Hines
Charlesville, Ont., Canada
Article extracted from this publication >> September 25, 1987