LONDON, England: A report has been requested by British Home Secretary, Douglas Hurd on the police handling of an attack on a London mosque.

The request follows protests from the Muslims that the police were very slow in responding to the incident on October 28, where a racist gang laid siege to the East London Markazi Mosque, several Muslims were injured, when bottles, bricks and missiles were hurled at the building smashing many windows. ‘The Home Office pointed out that Hurd is responsible for police authority in London and has expressed concern over the attack. It is understood that his intervention is an attempt to defuse criticism against the police who failed to apprehend’ any of the 70strong gang and yet arrested three of the Muslims who had been attacked.

A parliamentary report in July heavily criticised the police in London for not clearing up racial attacks, while often arresting victims, Figures show that only 15 per cent of racial incidents were resolved by police.

Article extracted from this publication >> November 28, 1986