By Dr. Harjinder Singh Dilgeer Oslo, Norway

Lam a terrorist. Yes, I am a terrorist.

I fight Russian invaders in Kabul & Kandhar

I cry when Abu Nidalis attack American citizens

I protest when Jews are butchered

I shriek when champions of Democracy

Are butchered in Peking

I fight terrorist Indian regime I debunk killing of innocent Sikhs by NaziHindus

I call Rajiv as Asian Hitler Yes, I call “a spade a spade.”” Yes, all this is “extremism.” Yes, all this is “terrorism.” Yes, lam a terrorist.

It was “ME” who was in Nazi Gas Chambers

It was “ME” who was massacred in Munich

It was “ME who was killed while flying in South Korean plane

It is “ME” who is a hostage in Beirut

It is “ME” the Mujahid fighting in Jalalabad

It is “ME” a Mujahid fighting in Amritsar

It is “ME” a victim of Hindu terror in Khalistan

It was “ME” who was butchered in Peking

Yes, it is “ME” who has always been kidnaped/tortured/butchered…

I shall always be labeled as “terrorist”

by fascist/cruel/inhuman butchered regimes

Yes, I am a terrorist

Yes, I am a terrorist

Article extracted from this publication >>  August 4, 1989