By A Staff Writer

A prominent Sikh businessman who has been living in Liberia has been commissioned as that countries Hon. Consul General to New Delhi, India.

Sukhminder Singh Bhattal was commissioned as the Consul General by Acting Foreign Minister William Bull on behalf of President Samuel K, Doe at Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, last month. At the ceremony Foreign Minister Bull spoke of the role Bhattal played in fostering trade and commerce between India and Liberia. He said because of Bhattal’s “committed and dedicated services in Liberia for the past thirty years, he has won respect and admiration from Liberian people,” Sukhminder Singh Bhattal was born in Barnala in 1935. He graduated from the Mohindra College in Patiala in 1955 and soon after set up business in Japan, England, and Liberia. He is married to Mohinder Kaur Bhattal and they have three sons “Navpreet Singh, Subil Singh and a daughter Arunjit Kaur, all of whom live in Monrovia.

Bhattals have five grand children Daman Kaur, Taran Kaur, Kirat Kaur, Karan Singh and Jai Singh all of whom were born in Monrovia.

Talking to WSN, Bhattal thanked President Samuel K. Doe for the honor bestowed on him and said that he would work sincerely and diligently in justifying the confidence reposed in him.

He said he would work with the utmost care in exercising his duties in the best interest of the nation.

Bhattal is currently touring the United States. He will be setting up his office in India soon.


Article extracted from this publication >>  August 4, 1989