Sikh Studies Center for south and Southeast Asian studies of University of Michigan is very pleased to announce that we will be offering a full program in Sikh Studies this coming summer and during academic 1989-90 including both beginning and second year Punjabi (Asian Languages 493, 006) and a course in the history and literature of Sikhism (Asian Studies 511) taught by Prof Surjit S. Dulai as a visitor from nearby Michigan State University. Together, these courses will constitute a full program of credits for our summer term, beginning June 28 and ending August 18. For fall and winter terms of 1989-90 first and second year Punjabi and the course on history and literature of Sikhism (Asian Studies 511) will each carry 3 credits. Registration for summer term is on June 26 and June 27 and for fall term September 5 and September 6. For further information and application materials, please write to the Center at 130 Lane Hall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Michigan 48109.

We are thus in effect launching our program in Sikh Studies before we have raised the necessary funds, trusting that these will be forthcoming in the coming months. Prof Dulai is generously offering his services without pay during the coming summer and academic year when he will be on leave from Michigan State. The Punjabi wife of a member of the University of Michigan faculty is equally generously willing to teach Punjabi for extremely small remuneration, drawn from the interest on the endowment fund raised thus far in cash, However even at this low rate there is currently not enough interest yield to pay her for more than the summer and fall terms leaving nothing for the winter. We feel confident that the necessary financial support will be forthcoming in the short run, and that within the next year or two we can reach our overall goal of a million dollars which will put the Program on a sound and permanent basis.

Article extracted from this publication >>  April 21, 1989