NEW YORK: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Tunisia are among the clever countries in which more than half of the population over 15 years of age 18 is illiterate, according to statistics released by the United Nations. India, China, and Pakistan are also among twenty most illiterate ‘nations.

The demographic book for 1988 released recently shows that percentage of illiterates among women is higher than men in almost all countries and areas. In India in 1981 the figures for which are available, seventy four percent women were illiterate compared to fourty five percent men.

Also, percentage of illiteracy is higher in rural areas than in urban areas everywhere.

The statistics show that more than three fourths of women in Teral areas were illiterates in 1981-82 in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Mozambique and Morocco where ninety seven percent could not read or write. It was followed by Pakistan with a percentage of 93 in India, 82 percent of rural women were illiterate.

Article extracted from this publication >> June 15, 1990