Violation of law seems to have become a national pastime. Those who appear to rejoice while doing so are; political leaders mainly belonging to the party in power, all government Or semi government institutions and their employees rich People who thrive on Violation because of their money power and the youth, who having got disillusioned with the behavior of seniors and the Utopia promised to them by the leaders, want to get recognition.
India may be the only country where a violation of law goes unpunished, where violation is rewarded where violation is financially beneficial. Those who due to poverty or lack of courage, adhere to rules, are put to disadvantage and even involved in false cases and punished.
With such a scenario, it becomes incumbent upon the National Front government which Swears by honesty, integrity and discipline to take urgent steps to curb the culture of violation of law. We Indians have become a laughing stock all over the world because of violation law has become a national phenomenon. “Sab ChaIta Hai” has eclipsed the rule of law in every sphere, the executive and administration being the main culprit.
Drastic steps are required to remove this malady from the public life. Let there be an ordinance issued by the President whereby legal recourse condoning violation of law is banned. Courts would have no power either to entertain such cases or grant time to delay the action against violators, Government servants violating norms should be dismissed summarily without any right of appeal to civil courts without affecting the right of habeas corpus and freedom of expression.
Jagtar Singh New Delhi, India
Article extracted from this publication >> March 23, 1990