Khalsa Ji,

As you would already be aware, the new rulers of India have started a vigorous campaign to lure the Sikhs away from their cherished goal of freedom and survival with dignity and into the trap of parliamentary process within the Indian union.

Rosy promises and sweet assurances are being given to induce the Sikhs to abandon their just struggle, and consent to remain within the Indian union. But these promises are the same that were given to us during the Swaraj struggle… by the leaders considered to be greater than the present ones, like the Mahatama Gandhi and Pandit Nehru…., and forgotten after the congress inherited power (power for which many Sikh lives were lost and now forgotten) from the British and gained control over the vast resources of the sub-continent. Yet, it is possible that politically weaker and the short sighted among us may forget the betrayals of the past (1947) and take the easier option (think of the price Sikhs have paid and are still paying for the mistakes made in the past of accepting easier options and false promises) and options of parliamentary process. It is only fair to say that the valiant struggle of our freedom fighters and the immense sacrifice made by our Shaheeds will definitely be wasted if this happens.

For those who had taken the oath (in front of our guru) to fight for the Sikh cause till final victory, this is a critical juncture. To protect the Sikh nation falling once again into the trap of Indian imperialism is the challenge facing them. If they fail to meet the challenge, the future generations of the Sikhs in time to come will condemn the “easier options” and those who took them.

It is therefore fitting that the Sixth Annual conference of Republic of Khalistan Government in Exile, scheduled to be held at Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Sheehy way, Slough (near London), England on the 7th and 8th of April 1990, will be devoted exclusively to the topic of “Looking Ahead”.

The conference will review the current situation in the South Asian Sub-Continent and examine the words and deeds of the present Indian rulers… and will articulate the Sikh response to the current trends in the political arena in the Sikh homeland.

The urgency of the situation demands that the conference should be as broad based as possible, and should examine all points of view that may be put forth.

We therefore invite you to attend the conference, either personally or through nominated delegates, and present your views on the above mentioned topic. To enable us to make the necessary arrangements and accommodate your point of view, we request you to communicate to us your intention to attend or the name of your delegate, and also a brief summary of the points you wish to be discussed. Further details concerning the conference will be sent on receipt of your reply. We look forward to hear from you.

In the service of the Sikh panth.

Bhai Gurmej Singh

Bhai Bhagwant Singh Upall Bhai Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Bhai Sewa Singh Lalli

Bhai Harkishan Singh Bhaura

Republic of Khalistan Government in Exile 153 Winson Street Winson Green Birmingham


Telephone 021-454-2996 Fax 021-456-4097 January 1990.

Article extracted from this publication >> March 9, 1990