NEW DELHI: Vishwanath Pratap Singh will be present at the Independence Day celebrations of Namibia.

Namibia will become independent at the midnight of Match 20-21.

Singh is expected to return home from his first visit abroad on March 22, an official spokesman said here on Thursday.

A future independent and sovereign Namibia will grant India special status because of its consistent support for the people of the country during their 23 year liberation war against South Africa colonial regime, Namibian president Sam Nujoma has said.

Nujoma said the Namibian government would not forget the support, especially the diplomatic status granted to his party, Swapo by New Delhi in 1984.

India’s representative in Windhoek, Shiv Shankar Mukherjee will become the first Indian ambassador to Namibia on March 21.

Article extracted from this publication >> March 9, 1990