‘NEW YORK: The Sadh Sangat of Sikh Cultural Society of New York in its Sunday Diwan of March 6, 1988, passed the following resolutions:
RESOLUTION: Whereas Bhai Jasbir Singh, Jathedar of Akal Takht along with three other Jathedars has been released from illegal detention of Government of India. Whereas Jathedar Jasbir Singh on his release has been welcomed at Akal Takht by thousands of Sikhs who have great expectations and hopes on him to guide the Sikh Panth in this critical time.
Whereas at present Panthic Committee has been providing religious and political leadership to the Sikhs to liberate the Sikh homeland from the slavery of the Indian Government.
We the members of the Sadh Sangat of New York extend our greetings to Bhai Jasbir Singh and welcome him as new Jathedar of Akal Takht and hereby resolve that:
Jathedar Jasbir Singh should work in conjunction with the Panthie Committee to achieve the goals already outlined by the Committee.
Article extracted from this publication >> March 11, 1988