New Delhi: Disproportionate representation of certain States on the central cabinet has generated considerable resentment against the new Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi. With the removal of Parnab Mukerjee and Chaudhari, Congress (1) circles in West Bengal felt disturbed and registered their protest with Rajiv. In view of their protest Rajiv has partly rehabilitated Mr. Chaudhari by putting him as one of the General Secretaries of the Congress (1) party in the position vacated by Arun Nehru. Parnab Mukherjee is still in the wilderness even though he is desperately trying to stage a comeback. Perhaps he seems to be suffering because his name had figured as the Acting Prime Minister after Mrs. Gandhi was slain.
There is also good deal of frustration among congress (I) circles in Bihar and Orissa. In Bihar congress (I) has won over forty seats out of 49 and in Orissa it has won 22 out of 29. From Bihar two persons and from Orissa one person figures in the central ministry whereas from a small state like Haryana there are two cabinet rank ministers. Haryana has only 10 members in the Parliament. Sensing the growing resentment on account of this disproportionate representation, Rajiv has announced that he will expand his ministry after the State elections in March. Nine States are likely to go to the poll in March.
Article extracted from this publication >> January 11 1985