PITTSRURGH: The 10th Annual Kirtan Samelan was held on September 2, 1995 from 12:307:30 ppm at Tri State Sikh Cultural Society (TSSCS) of Pittsburgh, PA, Gurdwara. The participants came from all across North America. There were two age groups children 6-12 years and children 1320 years, There were three jathas consisting all ages, of which one group was six years and younger. ‘There were 20 jathas with 125 children from all across Unites States and Canada that participated. About 400 people attended this competition.
Program was started with Arcas and Vaak by Miss Sonika Kaur Gill. The Gurdwara Sahib’s secretary and Kirtan Coordinator, Dr. Jasbir Singh Gill welcomed the sangat, and Kuldeep Singh, from Toledo, Ohio, explained the rules of the Kirtan Samelan. Dr. Amarjit Singh, from Buffalo, NY, intro Guced the evaluators: Bhai Balwinder Singh from Ohio, S. Kuldeep Singh from Toledo, Ohi Bhai Sucha Singh, Head Granthi of TSSCS, S. Manmeet Singh of Harrisburg, PA, and Bibi Sunder Kaur of Windsor, Canada. The three youth stage secretaries were: Harjeot Kaur, Simranjit Kaur, and Inderjit Kaur Gill of Pisburgh were also introduced.
Each group performed superbly ‘well. Each jatha sang the Gurbani Shabadin the same Ragaa in which the Guru Ji composed the shabad was a breathtaking scene, as the group after group in safron, white or Akali Blue color uniform recited their shabads in ragaas using various musical instruments Some traditional instruments were used such as table and harmonium: and other nontraditional instrments were used such as: violin, surmandhel and the dholki.
“At the end of the program, during the compilation of the scores by the evaluators, Bhai Manjit Singh of Cleveland, OH sang a few shabads which was followed by Rehras Sahib Path which was sung by youth Judge Balwinder Singh from Ohio and his group.
“The names of the winners are as follows: Overall First Place (Both Junior and
Senior Jathas) Running Trophy Guelph, Ontario; First Place Winner for Senior Jatha Guelph, Ontario #1, and First Place Winner for Junior Jatha Guru Nanak Foundation of America, MD. The Prize distribution were awarded in three categories: Exemplary, Excellent and Satisfactory. For Exemplary Junior Jatha: Guelph, Ontario, Gura Nanak Foundation of Cleveland, Ohio, Buffalo, NY #1 & #2, Youngstown, Ohio, and TSSCS, For Excellent Junior Jatha: Sikh Foundation of Virginia and Toronto, Canada. Among the Senior Jathas, the Exemplary Category Jathas are: Guelph, Ontario #1, Guru Nanak Foundation of America, MD, Youngstown, OH, and Montreal, Canada, For Excellent: Sikh Foundation of Virginia, Buffalo, NY, TSSCS and Toronto, Canada. For Satisfactory: Louisiana ‘and Gurn Nanak Foundation of Cleveland, OH.
“The evaluators and the sangat were impressed with the proficiency o! The children in ragaas and pronunciation of tough sanskrit and Farsi words in shabads. The program was concluded with ardas and samapti by the youth. At the end, Dr.
Jasbir Singh Gill, thanked all the evaluators, the participants, and the Sangar and ‘emphasized the importance of participation in such programs and learning of Gurmukhi, pride in being Sikhs and live as model citizens with prospect.
‘The program coordinator also made an_ organizing committee of seven members. for future Kirtan Samelans: Dr. Jasbir Singh Gill, Dr. Amarjit Singh, of Buffalo, NY, S. Sirmukh Singh, of Virginia, S. Phula Singh, of Maryland, S. Ajit Singh of Guelph, Ontario, Bibi Sunder Kaur of Windsor, Ontario, and S. Kuldeep Singh of Toledo, OH.
The entire program was professionally videotaped, and the tapes are available by calling S. Sirmukh Singh Manku at (703) 2506702 or Dr. Jasbir S. Gill (412) 788‘A740, The video tapes are a set of 2, and are $16 plus shipping & handling.
Article extracted from this publication >> October 6, 1995