NEW DELHI: Chief Election Commissioner T.N, Seshan filed a petition in the Supreme Court on August 19th seeking a review of the July 14 judgment of the Constitution Bench headed by Chief Justice A.M. Ahmadi upholding the appointment of two Election Commissioners and equating their powers to the CEC’s.

The Constitution Bench, which besides Chief Justice A.M. Ahmadi. had Justices I’S. Verma, N.P. Singh, S.P. Bharucha and MK. Mukheriec had also suppurated that if the threeman commission could not achieve unanimity in its decisions, majority view Should prevail  While the judgment was widely welcomed an eminent jurist had criticized it on the ground that it failed to deal with the problem of security of tenure to the Election Commissioners. He had added that the ECs would be at the mercy of the executive thus rendering them pliable.

Article extracted from this publication >>  August 25, 1995