Dear Editor, I have read with interest the “The Sikhs: Their way of life and their Position in India” published in the World Sikh News of May 1521 issue of the weekly.
What interests me most is the portion. About the Hindu dominated press, which as per the authors made planned attacks ‘on the Sikh nation, their history and their institutions, this is half a century ago, period spanning two generations.
‘The question is what did weleam from it and do to rectify the situation. As far as know the situation is exactly the same half century later than, as far as Sikh press is concerned. We even today have NO press worth the name, to be able to put across the Sikh’s point of view to the public in Indian much less o the World, except few one man bands playing different tunes at different times.
Whom are we going to blame for it? It is easy to blame others for your own shortcomings, The Sikhs have singularly failed to realize that the Kirpan was made an integral part of Sikh alter because it was the wean on of the day. Needed to defend yourself, your honor and your freedom; and fight oppression. The Sikhs were ordered to remember nay worship the “weapon” every day in the Ardas (Pirtham Bhagauti simar ke) by the Tenth Master. Unfortunately, we have made it a ritualistic and symbolic gesture; completely ignoring its real significance and concept.
Weave not realized even today, that the weapons” undergo continuous change in design and usage. The weapon of the “20th century” was media. We Sikhs spent rather MI squandered crores of Rupees 0 the community but did not and do not have even today après (media presence) worth the name, our kirpan has become symbolic only and the substance has been long forgotten.
We are lamenting about it today. I am sure the Sikhs are going to be still lamenting about it another half a century later. We are too selfish, greedy, individualistic and egoistic to be able to take any collective action.
How I would like to see some real press and media presence of the community in India and abroad, which will discuss issues facing the Sikhs; different scenarios, lees is of those scenarios, possible options, long and short range implications of each possible option and what is needed to implement them, A press which will rise above personalities and the concept that if ‘you are not with me, you are DVa mer me A press not full of mud being thrown on cache other. A press based on real democratic concepts (the Guru gave us the highest democratic concepts, roughly a century before the French revolution but we have proved ourselves to be the worst followers and pupils of our Gurus) accepting that each individual has the right to have an independent opinion.
A media which will give the community members and others factual information and help educate them and help everyone make informed opinion about different issues.
In the past decade and half, the community has established over 200 Gurdwara Sahibs in North America including Canada. Each of these, have cost around $2 million, making a total investment of half a billion dollars, Unfortunately, this huge investment is poorly utilized and is an example of mismanagement of community resources, Leaving other issues of Gurdwara management aside, most of the Gurdwaras publish a quarterly journal (I call them leaflets full of self-advertisement of donors, whether about their bones or individuals) but without any substance or real information about religious, ‘social or political issues. If only all the Gurdwara managements could put aside their self-glorification exercise for the common good and join hands to publish a worthwhile initially monthly and then weekly journal, which can be authentic ‘source of information for all, Such a journal should be published in many languages, (Punjabi, Hindi and all Indian languages in India and all the major languages of the world in North ‘Almeries), The weapon of 21st century is ‘going 10 be information and communications. We Sikhs need to communicate with others and inform them about ourselves, our beliefs, our aspirations and our problems. We have become too introverts. We need to educate the World at large and our children in particular about the issues facing us, Help spread the religious, social and political awareness. Sikhism is the most modern, logical and universal religion.
Such a journal should be run profession ally and on sound business principles. Next on the list should be TV programs, publication of books and the internet with similar objectives. Translation of Shri Guru Granth Sahib in all the major Languages of the world should have happened long ago. Will our egos, love for show of leadership and self-importance let us take such ‘a collective action or will our grandchildren still be reading about apportioning blame to others, for our own failings? ‘That’s the question we should all ponder about.
I will appreciate if you would please publish the above letter to the Editor, for information of your readers.
Avtar Singh Colonel (retd) Scarborough, Ont. Canada
Article extracted from this publication >> May 29, 1996