I.G’S. kirtan group made a flying visit to Detroit and Chicago and gave very impressive kirtan performances there on April 9th and 10th respectively. The kirtan tour was in regard to 26th Sikh international youth camp which is being organized by the International Institute of Gurmat Studies at Detroit from June 26 to July 8, 1988, for 100 young Sikh girls and boys between the age of 820. The camp is being sponsored by the Sikh Society of Michigan. Already about 70 applications have been received and more are pouring in every day. The Sikh sangats both at Detroit and Chicago showed great enthusiasm towards this camp and were deeply touched by the melodious kirtan performed by the LG’S, Jatha.
“Totally awesome”, exclaimed ‘one teen age. “It was rad, man!”, said another. “We came out with a high that beats them all!” was the combined opinion of a group of young adults. “I cried throughout the function”, said a lady. “I sat there and admonished myself for not opening my heart to what my Guru is so ready to bestow on me”, she continued.
These were some of the independent comments on the Visakhi celebration conducted by the International Institute of Gurmat Studies. The celebration was not confined to the usual Shabadkirtan, speeches and Kavi Darbar format. This year they were instrumental in bringing 77new Khalsa to their beloved Guru’s fold, through their first AmritSanchar camp. 15 of these blessed ones were IGS campers’ raning from 20 to 5 years of age and the rest consisted of an equal number of men and women (not necessarily couples). It is an interesting fact that all the Amrit seekers came from the IGS sangat. The AmritSanchar ceremony at the IGS house in La Habra Hts. was conducted with the utmost sanctity, grace, charm and punctuality that is becoming an IGS trademark, The Reseda Masonic Temple, marked the conclusion of the most beautiful and inspiring Visakhi festival the Los Angele Sangat has seen in years.
The whole function was a stupendous success. People were overheard saving, “how do these people do it?” They are all working. The organization is husting’for fine — where do they get if in hurting for finaces.so where do they get it in themselves to put up shows like this?” “The Guru does it all. Guru’s work never stops) we are mere tools that be uses as he pleases,” said Bhapa jee, Capt. Harbhajan Singh, when talking to. This writer anyone. Who witnessed, the Amrit Sanchar ceremony and the function thereafter, had to agree with him that , “Jis Ka Karaj Tin Hi Kiya, Manas Keya Vichara Ram”.
Amrit desires started coming to IGS house on the evening of Friday, March the first. Most of them came on Saturday. People had been asked to come earlier so that they could further prepare themselves, spiritually and mentally for the most important commitment of their lives. Talks and discussions were arranged and people participated in them openly and freely. They all wanted to seek answers to all the doubts or questions they had, lingering in their minds, about the great step they were about to take; a step that every Sikh should take at some time a or the other, as ordained by the tenth Guru himself, “Rahini Rahe Soi Sikh Mera Pratham Rehat Yeh Jaan, Khande Ki Pahul Chhake
The Amrti Sanchar ceremony Started at 3:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Acting as the Guru Panj Payare were: Bhai Sahib Gurdip Singh Ji from New York and originally from Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib, Bhai Sahib Pashaura Singh Ji from Toronto, Bhai Sahib Giani Gurmukh Singh Ji from Los Angeles, Bhai Sahib Beant Singh Ji Bijli from Buena Park and Bhai Sahib Vikram Singh Ji from San Diego. These five beloved Singh Sahibs were assisted by Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Ji from San Diego and Bhai Sahib Sarabjit Singh Ji from Los Angeles. Clad in their traditional saffron and blue robes the beloved five looked like five different embodiments of that one “jot”. The glow on their faces and the aura around them could only have come from being one with their Waheguru. They prepared the Amrti in an iron bowl (Batta) and stirred it with the “khanda”, in keeping with the injunctions of the tenth Guru. As the Singh Sahibaan were preparing the pahul, the sound of the khanda mixing sugar with water blended beautifully with the Gurbani chanting. It was heavenly atmosphere that mad the onlooker feel wistful .Why did not it? Yet, strangely up-lifted.
Article extracted from this publication >> April 15, 1988