JAMMU: The formation of the Tehrike Huriyate Kashmir, movement for the liberation of Kashmir by 11 militant organizations is a major effort to coordinate efforts to throw off the hated Indian yoke.

The constituents include Jamat I Islami Tulba, JK People’s League, Mahaz-e-Azadi, and Islamic People’s League among, others.

The body would be an under8round organization Mian Abdul Kayum its convener and Prominent lawyer said. The election of an Mian Kayum shows that even respected bodies like Jamat I Islamic have felt the only solution to the problem is secession.

Many professionals WSN spoke to like doctors and engineers also feel the same way.

Main Kayum was the mediator in the release of Rubiya Sayed, the daughter of the Union Home Minister who was taken hostage by militants. She was freed in exchange for 5 militants,

However there are 40 odd militant outfits in the valley.

Article extracted from this publication >> March 9, 1990